Midi controlled rig button function?

  • Hello,

    I wonder if the following is possible:
    Switching rigs (stepwise eg +1 or-1) in browser mode via midi. No fixed PC# assignments.
    Controlling the step just like the left/right; up/down button doing it; depending on the chosen sorting( by name, gain...).
    I am using a Liquid foot LF+Pro+, and want to audition rigs handsfree...

    cheers Rolf

  • This is what manual "Midi parameter Documentation" says:

    Browse Mode only: Midi CC 48 Value 0 selects the next Rig (current filter/sort applies), similar to “Rig Right”
    Midi CC 49 Value 0 selects the previous Rig (current filter/sort applies), similar to “Rig Left”

    I got it working fo a while, but then using Performance for last time. Just tried it and it did not work, but have to look closer with more time. Maybe it`ll help you... You can post if it`s working.

  • :)Works perfectly.
    By the way I was looking for the information, but could not find it(checked again in "Midi parameter Documentation"),
    If you have the CC's for Rig "up" and "down", please pass it on.

    Thanks Rolf

  • Unfortunately there are no CCs for up and down, but the same CCs are used in Performance Mode, and with value 1 they start scrolling, value 0 stops scrolling. I don`t know if that also works for Browser, but to change Rigs in farther steps, it`s worth a try.?

    Glad,I could help you anyway... :)