• Hi, i use my Kemper with pigtronix looper. It would be great if the midi clock could sent play message. Then I could start a metronome with midi in and the looper would be sync with the 1.bar. It would also be great if the kemper could sent a click track in sync with the midi clock out - if it's possible...I think that a lot of bands would need this feature.

  • I want to use the kemper as midi master clock. The Infinity looper changes the incoming clock from kemper. That's ok.
    But a metronome with MIDI IN doesn't start without MDI START MESSAGE - so I always have start the metronome manually - and thats the problem! The click and the looper are not in the same measure!
    It would be great, if you change the rig - the kemper sends a play (start) message - then all devices would be in the same measure!

    Mabye anyone has got another idea??

  • I am also using Kemper with Infinity, but I use a drumcomputer (aka Beatbuddy) as Midi master,
    Midi out - Midi splitter - Kemper Midi in
    - Infinity Midi in
    Works perfectly, but you`ll have to controll the time with Beatbuddy, wether you play with or without, cause it allways sends the time...

    Maybe it would help you to set measure to 1/4 in Infinitys application?

    Or you`ll need something like this: http://www.moltenvoltage.com/p…or_by_Molten_Voltage.html

  • So after many hours of fiddle about - here is the ultimate solution for all, they want to get a click track AND a MIDI Clock in time:

    1. You need a Boss DB-90 metronome (Headphones Output goes to PA - > CLICK TRACK for "In ear")
    2. Kemper Midi Device Settings: A+B Midi Thru! ("Send Midi Clock" is ON!)
    3. Kemper Midi Out -> Boss DB-90 Midi In
    4. Kemper Midi Thru -> To Midi Device (Looper, SPDSX...)

    Boss DB-90:
    5. Push Midi Button
    6. Push Start/Stop Button

    7. Switch "Send Midi Clock" OFF

    Boss DB-90:
    7. Push Start/Stop Button
    8. Push Start/Stop Button again (in this modus the metronom pointer is off - that's right)

    9. Switch "Send Midi Clock" ON

    The metronome AND the Midi Clock starts automatically on the 1.measure!!
    If you change the rig the tempo would be change
    automatically . You only need the kemper remote.
    You also can tap the tempo on the remote - and it changes the tempo
    automatically (of the click and metronome!)

    That's great and I'm happy, that I only need one device (boss db-90)

    So, I hope it's helpful, if you want this combined function...