how to make a direct amp profile of a sepreate preamp/poweramp combo?

  • I have a JMP-1 voodoo modded preamp that I love that I pair with Fryette 50/50 power amp. Sounds amazing. I love my kemper and have used it live but prefer it for recording. Is there any difference, necessarily, on how to make a Direct Amp profile for this set up? Obviously the effect send on the JMP does not contain any element of the power amp.
    I am a studio engineer and can spend a couple hours mic'ing my cabinet, but I prefer direct amp profiles merged with the cabs I have already created.

  • I think the accepted way would be to take the JMP-1 into the power amp and then use a suitable DI box from the power amp to make the profile. Of course, you will need to take the signal onto a speaker while this setup is running to protect your power amp.

    However, I have various IRs that include power amp sections already and had success profiling preamps directly. You don't need to merge anything and only have to copy the IR to the cab section of the DI profile. Merging is when you want to separate the cab from a full profile by using the DI profile.

    It worked well with a JMP-1, but less well with a Rocktron Prophesy. Both sounded great with the IR, but less accurate with just the DI signal.


    Kemper Rack OS 9.0.5 - Mac OS X 12.6.7