How to save new operating system as backup?

  • How can I save the new operating system (4.2 Beta) to carry with me on USB as a backup for the stage?
    (I know how to update the kemper via RigManager, but I would like to have a possibility to restore the operation system on stage if there is something broken)

  • How can I save the new operating system (4.2 Beta) to carry with me on USB as a backup for the stage?

    After updating via RM. you find the OS Sytem as .rar file in the directory "download" (If you use WIN - MAC has another download directory)
    Just rename to .bin and act as you did before.

  • Like Sharry said.

    In case you want to restore not only the OS but the whole Kemper, RIGs, etc. then there is a backup to USB button right on the Kemper. It will only show up if you plug a correctly formatted USB-Stick, though.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • After updating via RM. you find the OS Sytem as .rar file in the directory "download" (If you use WIN - MAC has another download directory)Just rename to .bin and act as you did before.

    Thanks for your help, guys!
    But the file was already named xxx.bin !!!

    Edited once, last by music ().