My impressions after the very first Kemper Gig

  • In the past 8 or so months I've taken the dive from a collection of boutique amps to modelling,recently sold my last standing amp,not a Valve in site.Im not one to try and replicate any tone from an amp,for me a good tone is a good tone regardless.Up until 4 Weeks ago I Owned the Axe Fx,AX8,and the Helix,with the exception of the Kemper,I was starting to feel that I'd made a huge mistake selling off all my amps.
    Enter Kemper,from the very moment I plugged it in I knew that this unit is the real deal.I couldn't get a tone on any of the others that put a smile on my face,after a couple of weeks mucking around,going back and forth with the other modellers,I decided to sell all of them and stick with the Kemper,I'm also looking know at purchasing a power rack version.Ive had some teething problems with the Kemper, its all part of the fun.
    The Kemper sounded stellar at its first gig,something that I've never been able to achieve with the others.
    I know and heard some great tones out of the other units,but you have to dedicate so much time,and be a sound engineer to understand what parameters to tweak,on the Kemper a simple guitarist can dial in a tone in no time and sound stellar.
    I've mentioned that an editor would be nice,you know what these guys have done such a good job designing this Kemper that even a noob like me doesn't have much trouble getting around.

  • Same here Spinner. IMHO one should know within a few seconds that it's the real deal if one has any idea of how tube amps respond and sound.

    I know and heard some great tones out of the other units, but you have to dedicate so much time, and be a sound engineer to understand what parameters to tweak, on the Kemper a simple guitarist can dial in a tone in no time and sound stellar.

    You'll have to sell your propellor-head cap too, brother! :D

    Well done with the gig. Great news, mate.