Need Help on the stomp assignments

  • Hi everyone

    I need some help/assistance on the remote stomp assignments. I searched through the forum and the manuals but could not find a proper guidance. So I hope some of you can help me solve the matter or show me where to find the answers.

    I am in Performance Mode and load a rig. In first instance, no stomp button is on. In order to make them light on, I need to press the "Rig" soft button. Then the Kemper says "Press STORE to auto assign". If I do so, the stomps light on, and the four soft buttons say "Clear I-III", whereas right below there seems to be already a fixed assignmant saying "x on/ off" for Clear I, "Mod on /off" for Clear II, "Delay on/off" for Clear III and "Mute" for Clear III. For your orientation the Kemper says "Page 6/6 Remote effect buttons"

    I understand that I can change these and also managed to do so most of the times.

    But this is what I find weird and could not change to my satisfaction and is difficult to depict for you:

    1. First of all I can press the four soft buttons, so that they change form "Clear I-IIII" to "Assign I-IIII". This is fine, but I am not able to have them changing back from "Assign I-IIII" to "Clear I-IIII" unless I press the "Undo" button. If I press "Store", then I am not able to go back to "Clear I- IIII" anymore. Is here something I can do about it?

    2. If I try to change the assignment and want for example to move the Wah assignment from Stomp I to Stomp IIII, then I manage to do that, but Stomp I lights off. And if I store, then I am back to question nr 1, as I am not able to amend an "Assign" soft button into a "Clear" soft button unless I reload the entire rig and do "Auto Assign" beginning everything from scratch.

    3. Also I understand, that it is possible to assign whatever effect to whatever stomp, but I often fail, as the Stomp buttons go off whitout knowing why. What do I need to do to get it right?

    As a result of the above, I am in the situation of having a Rig with only 3 or 2 Stomp buttons being on, and the Wah on Stomp I. Whereas I would need to have all Stomp buttons , say Stomp I with Delay, Stomp II with Phaser, Stomp III with Chorus and Stomp IIII with Wah (instead Wah being on Stomp I)

    I hope my description is not too confused, but it matches my current state of mind.


  • Press the stomp softbutton and hold it. Then stomp on the switch wich you want to assign on the remote. Done.
    Then press save on the kpa. If you want to change a stomp and the assignment to another stomp and another switch press the assigned stomp softknob again and hold it. Than step on the assigneg switch of the remote. Assignment is undone. Than follow the first description to assign it new.


  • I do it slightly reversed when I want to assign stomps (I don't think it matters whether you press and hold the stomp softbutton or remote button first).

    Also, you can assign stomps to alternate being on with any given remote switch.

    I press and hold the remote button I am assigning, and then press the stomp softbutton for Stomp #1. I press and hold the remote button again, and then press the stomp softbutton for Stomp #2. Now, clicking the remote alternates whether Stomp #1 or Stomp #2 are on. (Don't forget to save your performance...)