Momentary activation of FX on the Remote

  • I think it would be really cool if the Remote could do this.

    The idea is you step on a button to activate the FX, release the button to turn off the effect, as opposed to stomp once for on and once for off.

    This could be incredibly handy if you want to say activate a harmonizer mid way through a solo and then release the button to turn it off.

    Just seems more intuitive than stomping a button once for on and then again for off.

    This seems doable, given that the looper works by holding down the button for record and then releasing it to trigger playback.

    Should clarify that I don't own a Remote, but reading the manual, it didn't seem possible with FX.

  • What kind of pedal? Would it enable us to say hold down the button to turn on a boost, or a phaser, or a flanger? Wouldn't we have to tap again to turn off the effect?

    I thought this way:

    Instead of switching the pedal controls mix in %. So you step in -> mix goes up and you step out again -> mix goes 0%. Its not the same, but close, no? With morph this pedal could even "switch on" many FX at once.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I thought this way:
    Instead of switching the pedal controls mix in %. So you step in -> mix goes up and you step out again -> mix goes 0%. Its not the same, but close, no? With morph this pedal could even "switch on" many FX at once.

    This is a good workaround that I've thought off. But having tested it versus the option of just stepping on a button, it's not quite there.

    Take a pedal pitch shifter effect, for example. The mix setting all the way at zero will only give you the detuned sound, no direct signal. It doesn't reduce the effect to zero, so if you've turned on that effect in a slot, it is always working unless you switch it off.

    To boot, if you morph the pitch setting, there will be incremental stages as you move from 0 to 10.

    Now imagine you've set up a pitch effect at +5 on your Remote the existing way. Hit the switch and your tone will immediately jump to the new pitch. Step on it again and it will revert to the regular pitch. Think Digitech Whammy Ricochet more than Whammy.

    Similar application with the Harmonic Pitch, where you would not want to be able to gradually increase the effect. It's always on. No way to do this seamlessly with transpose either.

    On that note, if you were using regular stomp pedals, the behaviour is that an effect is on or on an effect is off. There's no such thing as incremental stages. If you think about it, how often have you heard an effect being raised to the desired setting rather than just being turned on?

    Not saying that morph has any shortcomings, far from it, it's very valuable. But for the application I'm talking about, using the switches for momentary on or off would work great.

    I raised this feature request because I can do this with my floorboard. I'd like the Remote to keep developing its capabilities because I like to think I'd pick one up as the capabilities become better.

  • Take a pedal pitch shifter effect, for example. The mix setting all the way at zero will only give you the detuned sound, no direct signal. It doesn't reduce the effect to zero, so if you've turned on that effect in a slot, it is always working unless you switch it off.

    Yep, thats a show stopper for my workaround.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • +1, especially as this one ought to be pretty easy to code.

    Want to "punch in" that Van Halen flanger... Would be great to use if we had a "Slow Gear" effect someday too.

  • +1. Missing it right now :)

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