5.0 - New Delays Automatically Included When Downloaded?

  • This is showing my continued lack of sophistication. However I downloaded the new 5.0 operating system and I do not see all of the new delays people have been mentioning. I do see some new names for the delays, but not many of the ones that have been mentioned. Any advice on what I may be doing wrong? Thanks!

  • You have to download the Presets seperately from the OS update then:
    How to import Delay Presets
    Presets cannot be imported via Rig Manager! Please perform the following simple steps to import Delay Presets into your Profiler via USB stick:
    You will need to use an empty USB stick in order to transfer the files from your Mac or PC to the Kemper Profiler. When you connect a USB stick for the very first time, the Kemper Profiler will format it to ensure maximum reliability.
    The next step is to copy either individual Preset files or the complete folder New Delays Demonstration Preset Pack into the folder Shared of your USB stick. Make sure the folder is not zipped.
    Select External Storage and Import on the Profiler. A message on the Profiler display will confirm that a number of Rigs/Presets have been imported successfully.
    If you now bring the DLY Module into focus and turn the BROWSE knob an alphabetic list including all Stomp and Effect Presets in your Browse Pool including the new Delay Presets will appear. The Delay Presets start with the three letter acronym “DLY”. Each of these Presets loads one of the new Delay Types with particular parameter settings, which illustrate some of the new impressive possibilities.

  • This is showing my continued lack of sophistication. However I downloaded the new 5.0 operating system and I do not see all of the new delays people have been mentioning. I do see some new names for the delays, but not many of the ones that have been mentioned. Any advice on what I may be doing wrong? Thanks!

    When you are referring to "new delays" you could mean Delay Types or Delay Presets. The Types (selected via TYPE knob) must be there, because these are hardcoded in the software. The Types are what gets referred to and explained in the manuals. Presets can be created under any given name and deleted by the user. Our example and demonstration Delay Presets are not automatically imported. It requires user intervention and the user has the following options:

    1. Just pressing "Factory Rigs" in System Menu. So no USB stick, no Rig Manager are even required. All Factory Content (Rigs and Presets) is included in the operating system, but hidden. This way just the current "kaos.bin" is required to update a Profiler and reset it to the current factory state including all content. If you press "Factory Rigs" in System Menu all Rigs and Presets currently not in your Profiler's Browse Pool will be added. The downside is: every Rig and preset currently not in your Browse Pool will be added. So if you had cleaned up your Browse Pool to hold just 50 Rigs, "Factory Rigs" will add 193 Rigs in one go. Same applies to Presets. So this is an all or nothing approach.

    2. Delay Demonstration Presets are included in the operating system download packages of 5.0 and 5.1. Alternatively you could also separately download these from our Download Rig Pack page. You need to unzip those, copy the files with extension .kipr into the Shared folder of your USB stick and then import those. Afterwards you will find those Presets, if you turn the BROWSE knob while an Effects Module is in focus. This approach allows to pick and chose. So you could just import one single Preset, if you wanted to.

    3. Rig Manager 2.0 includes Rig Packs. One Rig Pack is named "OS 5.1 Delay Update". These 107 Rigs are based on the same Delay Demonstration Presets included in the 5.0 and 5.1 upgrade packages. However, as Rig Manager cannot handle Presets yet, these Delay Presets were loaded into one Rig and then stored as complete Rigs. It just requires double clicks on those Rigs in Rig Manager to check out these Rigs with the new delay algorithms. However, you might still want to import the original Presets as described under 1 and 2, because then you could use those as building blocks to configure you own Rigs most effectively. If you imported the complete Rigs via Rig Manager, you could only use copy/paste or locking to move those delay types plus settings from one Rig to another.