MIDI CCs sporadically not working (solved)

  • Hey there,

    I just came home from our first rehearsal with the Cymatic LP-16. The Clicktracks and Overdubs were working fine but I had some trouble with the MIDI CCs/PCs not changing performances everytime. It worked sometimes, but not always, which is not accaptable for a live situation.
    The MIDI Files were programmed in Cubase, I send MIDI PCs in order to change the perfomances and some CCs to switch on some stomps or to adress performances > 127 (Was it CC#32, i forgot..?!)

    Theres a file attached with a screenshot of the Kemper receiving the Midi file. Does the "E" in the display stand for Error?

    I never programmed Midi before so treat me like a total newbie ?(

  • Strange. I'm running the same setup and I've never had one missed midi command. Solid as a rock -- I've even done gigs without my remote as a backup because the stage was so cramped, so I completely relied on the LP-16.

    Is there more midi going on than just the necessary instructions to the Kemper (like other devices you're controlling...)?

    During rehearsals I've sometimes had things going wrong but that was always in new songs, due to programming errors in my midi file. It can be tricky to set up with tempo or time measure changes and other commands that all have to be in the right place...

    I would start by noting what goes wrong exactly and where, and then double checking the midi files at home. Is there any method to it? For instance, was it only when you used the LSB#32 method? (I've never used it myself because I don't use more than 26 performances (yet!) so I can't really comment on that.)

    The E stands for "edited" (when you've changed something in a rig, like turning an effect on or off), nothing to worry about there.

  • Thank you Robert. I didn't see any pattern in it what so ever... Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not. Really strange. I'll check the MIDI Files at home on the weekend. Probably it has something to do with the LSB #32, since it only happened on our new songs which are way in the back of my performances.

    The Midi commands are just for the kemper, nothing else is sent there.

    I'll check and I'm pretty sure its a mistake in the MIDI Files.

    What should I dial in the Menu of the LP16 regarding MIDI Setup?

  • What should I dial in the Menu of the LP16 regarding MIDI Setup?

    I don't think you need to change anything there -- as I recall it's just MIDI thru on/off (for when you daisy-chain the LP-16 between another device and the Kemper) and a MIDI offset in microseconds (to correct synchronization issues between MIDI and audio).

    Does the MIDI automation work if you control your Kemper directly from Cubase?

    Could it be that the LSB (CC#32) message and the PC message aren't sent in the correct order?

  • This has happened to me and it was two pieces of information too close together. If you have a program change followed by a control change within a second, there will be a problem. At least, this is what happened on v4.


    Kemper Rack OS 9.0.5 - Mac OS X 12.6.7

  • Ok I found my mistake. I assumed, that I don't have to send a "0" on CC#32 in order to adress the first set of performances. Now I send always a CC#32, just to make sure. Sometimes it worked... Really strange, but I'm happy that it is working :)
    Thanks to all!