Cannot get reamping going with my mBox

  • Hello,

    I recently purchased a Kemper and I am trying to reamp with that and the mBox pro.

    On the mBox, I have an output (#4), going to the Kemper's Return input

    The input in PT's control panel for #4 is set to the Monitor Output of the Kemper (which is working, because I can record the Kemper). It is set to "Stack" in the Kemper

    The input source on the Kemper is set to "Return Input Reamp"

    So the output on the track I want to reamp is set to Track 4

    I opened a new track and set it's input to #4 (which is output #4 from the mbox)

    I record and get nothing.

    The only thing I can think of is that I need to switch something in the control panel in Pro Tools?

    Can anybody see a flaw in my connections?