Can you profile Pedals?

  • Ok, i know this is practically possible. I profiled VST's without a problem. I also have a Profile of the Boss Acoustic Simulator that great.
    My question is more regarding some "out there" stuff. For example, i love the EHX Pedals. The Organ and Synth ones specifically. I don't own them currently and could just buy them, but i'd have to have a pedal board just for them. Everything else is in the kemper. It would really help to get them into the profiler.

    So has anyone tried to profile a "guitar synth" pedal with the kemper (or has one at hand to maybe give it a try)?

  • You can profile Distortions and compressors ( I did many years ago ).... but I think you can profile Modulations,Delays etc....

    It takes a bit of tweaking to get the volumes right to allow it to profile distortion pedals.

  • So are there specific effects in the kemper to do that, that i just haven't found yet? Or Are we talking more like mixing "normal" effects to create a synthy appearing sound?
    I had some mild success using a JCM with multiple stacked fuzzes in front. A bit like a Eric Johnson Lead on steroids. This was going in the right direction but i ran out of effects slots ;)

  • While the Profiler has a lot of powerful and useful FX built in, it will not replace any effect.
    I doubt that it's possible to achieve satisfactory results trying to get the sound of the dedicated EHX pedals the OP mentioned.
    @billruppert did some great approximations though.
    But remember he's the one showing what the EHX pedals are capable of. ;)