Kemper Wet/Dry setup - Not using any onboard effects

  • Hi everyone

    Just wondering if anyone here's tried running a wet/dry rig using one Kemper directly into console/PA as such:

    Dry line into input of Kemper
    Kemper FX send goes to wet line input
    Kemper main out to console/PA
    Wet output to console/PA

    Is this possible? Has anyone done this?

  • What i actually do is wet/dry/dry/wet, monitor out and direct out as Mod L and Mod R + Main outs as Delay/Reverb wet L and R. Sounds really great with shimmer or crystal delay far left and right and the stack in the middle. We are monitoring through InEars.

    If you are using outboard effects you would need monitor and direct out as FX send and returns. This means you could use the main outs in mono only. One for Git/stack without effects and one for Delay/Reverb wet + effects. I don't know if delay/reverb wet out is available in mono or stereo only?

    Other possibility would be to use also SPDIF out, but its digital and you need digital ins at the PA.

    If you are using KPA onboard effects you could send maximum six signals to PA, e.g. Git/Stack, DI, Mod L, Mod R, Delay/Reverb wet L and Delay/Reverb wet R.

    There are some good youtube vids from Kemper for explanation about possible routings.