Wah setting problem

  • Hi to all,
    I'd need your help for a setting problem with the wah.

    In all the rig i have the wah setting: Bypass @ Stop. I connect my pedal on switch 1 of the KPA.

    I have also a Rig with a Cocking Wah where I want a fixed point of the wah and witch should stay always on. When I select this rig the sound change because the KPA read the position of the real pedal and change the setting I settled. So, in order to use it with the right setting I need to unplug the real pedal from the switch 1. ;(

    Anyone can suggest how to resolve it?
    Thank you in advance for your help

  • Is your "cocking wah" rig set to "Pedal Wah"? If so, change the Wah Mode to a fixed wah mode, to ignore the pedal.