Guitar too loud in headphones compared to Aux in!


    - Using Aux in with guitar through headphones

    - can't get aux in loud enough to be heard over guitar

    - is there a way to turn the guitar down in the headphones? as I already have the Aux maxed


    So basically I use my Kemper for IEMs live and run my vocals from our Focusrite into into the back of the Kemper so I can get a mix of the click from Ableton, the guitar from the Kemper, and my vocals, and have it all come out of the headphone output.

    I'm using the Aux in (alternative input & return input) to recieve my click & vocals from the focusrite running ableton live

    while the click is nice & loud I literally can't get the vocal loud enough to be heard over the guitar, even with the aux in on max.

    any way to turn the guitar down?

  • Did you max the volume setting for the aux input in the Output settings? You probably did, but it wasn't clear where you were setting a "max" ... :whistling:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Are the vocal levels good coming out of the focusrite? Sounds like the click is nice and loud and both the click and vocals are coming from the interface. In the KPA you have an overall aux in level control then another control to feed any portion of the aux signal to the main output. That's about it.

    I use my IEM this way but using it with an aviom monitoring system which has a good healthy output and volume controls so no issues blending everything for the headphone out from the KPA.