DI box made me love my Kemper before it died.

  • I just wanted to share my experience with the Kemper and maybe help someone out along the way. I watched all of the YouTube videos when it came out and began dreaming of one day owning one. Then in January of this year I couldn't take it any more and ordered one. I hooked it up to a vertical 2x12 and started playing through all of the presets and it sounded pretty good. I recorded with it using spdif and it sounded really good. I have several tube amps and couldn't wait to start profiling them so I ordered a sm57 and micd up my cab ( I am a total newb with micing cabs and made a few profiles. They sounded like total garbage I tried and tried to get a good sound but it sounded nothing like the real deal.

    I then watched a video on DI boxes and how to profile using that method. I found a cheap DI box that required no power (Art PDB Passive Direct Box $35.00) and hooked it up to my Mesa Boogie Mark V and made my first profile and was totally blown away. It finally sounded just like my head going through my Mesa 2x12 vertical cab. I then profiled my Dual rectifier and then my Mesa Stiletto and they all sounded killer. The clean tone was warm and full, the bass was full and it sounded like a real amp. Now if you are a master at micing cabs maybe your experience is better than mine was but the profiles I made using the DI box are better than the ones I have purchased from the popular sites. The only problem is my Kemper is in the shop as it has been dying a slow death for the past month (not related to the DI box). So I cant make any more awesome profiles until it returns.

    If you are someone who plays your Kemper mostly though a cab, you owe yourself to try this out if you have not been happy with your own profiles.

    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/cnSZjFQm.jpg]

  • I am a complete newb to recording my own and profiling, but as you I profiled my VHT Pitbull and tried doing a studio profile, I just couldnt get it to sound right, but I then DI and just profiled my head then added an ownhammer IR in the cab and it sounded amazing. I started noticing most people that are getting good studio or full amp and cab profiles to work are going mic to preamp to kemper and not just mic to kemper. The only issue I see there is adding the preamp is just one more thing to color the sound. I think a di into a good impusle is where im happy now