Unwanted effects of OD's in front of Kemper and how to counteract them

  • Pardon the title, but I wasn't sure what else to call it.

    I'm running a Morning Glory, Klone and aTS808 into the front of my Kemper and into an MBritt Matchless DC30 Ch2 profile, with wet effects in the Kemper's stereo loop return. The problem I was having, and getting a little frustrated by, is that the Klone (a SickAs Blackout) was adding a BUNCH of high frequency information that the amp and cab profile alone couldn't tame. Which is strange as the cab profile, in theory, should filter that out the same way the real cab does (can anyone explain why it doesn't?).

    Anyway, as a result, I had to turn the treble knob on the Klone way down from how I'd run it in front of a real amp. Which bothered me as I sometimes run the Kemper and a real amp in stereo.

    I added a Studio EQ after the amp. I set the low and high cut at 85hz and 9khz respectively and was able to return the Klone's tone controls to exactly how I would run them into my real DC30. I also added a small (.5 boost at 300hz and 5khz) with the same EQ.

    Hope that helps anyone running OD's and distortions in front of the Kemper!

  • What is the real amp your are pluggin your ODs into ?
    If this is an amp with less headroom than the DC30, the amp is probably breaking up when you are loading it with your OD, which could help sweeten this high frequencies you don't like.

  • @boyce89976 - with a Sick As, MG and a TS808, you're probably a P&W player eh?

    Returning to the issue, I don't know why, but running OD pedals into the Kemper always results in some degree of noise. I know the sound you speak of and I tried to negate it with the gate and various parameter tweaks. Then I got rid of the pedals and mastered the Kemper OD stomps. That's honestly your best bet.

  • What is the real amp your are pluggin your ODs into ?
    If this is an amp with less headroom than the DC30, the amp is probably breaking up when you are loading it with your OD, which could help sweeten this high frequencies you don't like.

    I'm not sure I understand your question. The Kemper profile is the MBritt SC30 and my real amp is a HC30, so they should be identical. I set the amp clean on the neck pickup and just on the edge of breakup on the bridge pickup. My first drive is at unity, as is my 2nd drive. My 3rd drive is set above unity for a boost. The 1st and 3rd drives have the gain set to 10 o'clock, and the 2nd drive has the gain at noon.

    @boyce89976 - with a Sick As, MG and a TS808, you're probably a P&W player eh?

    Returning to the issue, I don't know why, but running OD pedals into the Kemper always results in some degree of noise. I know the sound you speak of and I tried to negate it with the gate and various parameter tweaks. Then I got rid of the pedals and mastered the Kemper OD stomps. That's honestly your best bet.

    Haha, yes, primarily.

    Yeah, there's some noise/artifacts above 9khz (especially with the SickAs). I've used the Kemper live twice now, with the settings I described above, and it sounded great. Three different FOH guys (1 last week and 2 today) were complimenting me on how good it sounds.

    I'm using my full pedalboard into the Kemper (which is why I chose Kemper over Helix), and don't see changing to the Kemper's OD's at this point. Maybe one day, though.

    Thanks for the feedback guys!