Best budget audio interface for recording DI Guitars

  • Hello guys!
    I just ordered a kemper rack version and i want to start recording some covers and compositions for my upcoming youtube channel. I would like to buy a new audio interface (price range 250-400 eur) for tracking DI guitars and bass. I want the best AD/DA + preamps in this price range and also get a good latency (i use Mac).
    My options are: Focusrite Scarlett 2nd gen 2i4 / Audient ID14 / Focusrite Clarett 2Pre.
    Could you tell me the differences between these units? Any other cool audio interfaces?

  • Personally I'd go for a used RME Babyface in that price range. You'll need to get a spdif coaxial to optical converter box for it though.

    For $600 you could get a Lynx E22 card which is perfect for this specific purpose. (What I use). Track the DI through the Kemper to s/pdif and reamp. Nothing in the price range beats the D/A quality. It's an updated version of their Aurora interfaces in express card form.

  • Since You use a mac, check out the reputation the manufacturer have...
    Being a mac users myself I've been there myself:
    M-Audio: Way back they clearly didn't know how to make drivers. A simple 0.x of macOS would break their drivers and they took months to fix... just in time for next OS update. (disclaimer, they might have shaped up)
    Tascam: Didn't have any mac developer inhouse, were using contractors, didn't support their stuff at all. Took over a year to even acknowledging a bug that made it impossible to use it on 64-bit os.

    Did my research and went with Focusrite, macOS is first Class Citizen, Got a Saffire Pro 40 in 2009 and it have worked flawlessly since then. When it dies I'll get a Focusrite interface again.

  • I've used the 6i6 at home but never been a fan of the pc software. I don't know if Gen 2 has same software (mix control). Other than that I like even the first Gen very much for recording DI and spdif reamping.

  • Since You use a mac, check out the reputation the manufacturer have...
    Being a mac users myself I've been there myself:
    M-Audio: Way back they clearly didn't know how to make drivers. A simple 0.x of macOS would break their drivers and they took months to fix... just in time for next OS update. (disclaimer, they might have shaped up)
    Tascam: Didn't have any mac developer inhouse, were using contractors, didn't support their stuff at all. Took over a year to even acknowledging a bug that made it impossible to use it on 64-bit os.

    Did my research and went with Focusrite, macOS is first Class Citizen, Got a Saffire Pro 40 in 2009 and it have worked flawlessly since then. When it dies I'll get a Focusrite interface again.

    My first sound card was an M-Audio. What a bunch of crap! No matter what update the drivers were crap in any way. Sold it and never looked back. I will never recommend M-Audio.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau