Exit start-up dialog immediately

  • Apologies for a double post but this catergory is the one i should have first posted in:

    Flicking through my system menu, i happened to press the "start up dialog" soft button on page 1 of the system menu and was unable to exit this menu.
    i had to follow it through to the end- next, then next, then next, etc...
    it would be nice to press exit to escape this menu.
    I also noticed that if trying to press other buttons in an attempt to exit or switching mode causes an issue when you do eventually escape this dialog. for instance, whilst in the start-up dialog process/menu, pressing the lock button will result in the KPA appearing to have the hold button *held* down when you exit this dialog, requiring another press of the lock button to unlock and resume.

    I know this dialog is a one-off procedure, usually, but it would be nice to be given the choice to escape it quickly.