Potential convert with some questions

  • Currently play an Atomic Amplifirebox through a 1x12" guitar cab. Have previously owned AA3 and Helix, and use a lot of plugin sims. All of this is to say, I'm quite familiar with modeling using both FRFR.and poweramp to traditional guitar cab. My main interest would be running Kemper into a guitar cab more so than FRFR and/or recording.


    (1) does going into a cab make the process of finding a good profile easier? I get you still need to find a profile where the amp is dialed in a way that works with your guitar/pedals and your cab, but at least you've taken the cab and mic out of the equation.

    (2) my understanding is that any profile can be used with cab disabled, even those that were captured as a studio profile, not just with direct/merged profiles. My understanding correct?

    (3). My interests lie in clean-to-low/mid-gain profiles, with greatest emphasis on Fender amps, secondary interest in various el-84/vox-ish amps. I went on a rig exchange bender earlier today and on one hand -AWESOME. On the other - I expected like a million Deluxe reverb profiles? Am I searching wrong? Is there a spot other than the rig exchange where such profiles can be found for free? I get that paid profiles are absolutely the way to go and one should not buy a KPA with the attitude that you should be able to find all your profile needs for free, just trying to make sure I understand the lay-of-the land on terms of where I should be looking for the kinds of profiles I am interested in.

    Thanks for any tips you can provide!!

  • 1) I think that's a very subjective matter. For me personally: Yes, hearing the profiles through my cab made it easier since I was used to amp through cab sound and didn't play my amps a lot through FRFR boxes or studio monitors before. YMMV. I think it's a good idea to check profiles with both your cab and through FRFR or studio monitors to make sure it works well all around (if it has to work for both situations that is).

    2) Yes, even profiles created with an amp/cab/mic combination can be played with deactivated cab through a real cabinet. The Kemper will "deduct" the cab from the profile. Works very well imho.

    3) Sorry, I'm a hi-gain guy 95% of the time, can't help out here :D

  • 3) It may have been the way you searched the Rig Exchange - try a search for "deluxe", and see if you get more results. And - Kemper's Rig Manager software produces better search results - all of the rigs' index tags are searched.

    In addition to the Rig Exchange (which includes a profile or two of my own vintage Deluxe Reverb - "Fender Dyn DR"), The Kemper Rig Packs are free downloads from the Kemper website, and they include many clean to low/mid gain rigs.

    Most of the other Commercial Rig sellers also offer free rigs/sample packs. For example, there are hundreds more for free at: http://www.theampfactory.com/downloads/category/free-stuff/