Using RJM Mastermind PBC instead of Kemper Remote

  • I bought a Power Head 2 weeks ago but decided to hold off on the Remote until I had tried alternatives. I had an old FCB1010 lying around and a friend gave me his old Uno4Kemper chip to try. It works well but can’t control all the stomp slots or Delay Rev slots in standard config as far as I can make out.

    I also still have my RJM Madtermind PBC on a pedal board that probably isn’t going to see much use now I have the Kemper.

    Has anyone already configured their PBC to work with Kemper. I know it can be done fairly easily but wondered how others are configuring their button pages for the best workflow?

  • Yep, i know that. I started to try and set up the PBC last night armed with the Kemper midi manual but it got scared and went back to playing :)

    I’ve been thinking about it today though and realised Ron has probably already mapped all the midi c.c. Numbers for us so I’ll take another look.

    The problem I am trying to get clear in my mind is that tha PBC only has 11 buttons (13 if you connect an extermal footswitch) but the Kemper remote has 14 so iinot matter how I set it up I can’t exactly mimic the Remote. However, the PBC can have multiple button pages but there are so many options for how to configure it. I was wondering how others are doing it to get some ideas.

  • So, i've just tried to set up the PBC to control the Kemper and it turns out I had nothing to be scared about :)

    Ron has already pre programmed all the midi commands which can be selected from the drop down menu without ever having to look up a single c.c. number.

    However, I'm still undecided how to lay out my button pages. Any input welcome.

    Also, on the Kemper Remote you can assign buttons to different stomp locations on the fly. I still haven't hook the PBC up with bi-diretional midi to try it but does anyone know if you can achieve the same thing with PBC or do I need to specify which stomp module each button controls in the PBC editor?