HELP!! Cant' open rig manager or operating system on my windows computer

  • Welcome! Did this just start or have you never had Rig Manager on your computer? Also not sure about your meaning of "operating system", that means to me that Windows won't even start up.

  • I Just got my kemper today! and my computer wont download anything from the site,, when I download rig manager my computer wants to save it and use it with windows media player...

  • Ok, Rig Manager downloads from the Kemper site as a zip file. I take it that you extracted the msi files from that? If not right click on the zip file and select extract files (destination of your choice). You should now have two msi files, one for 32bit and 64bit operating systems. Double click on the file that relates to your operating system. If you were already that far and Windows wants to use media player for a msi file that your file settings for certain programs got messed up and need to be reset. Control Panel > Default Programs > msi = Windows Installer.