Using a unpowered Kemper Live

  • Hey guys! So I'm getting an awesome bass tone out of my kemper that I'd like to use live. I've been using this Musysic DJ power amp (I know is unconventional but was cheap and my guitarist uses it for his POD live) and for some reason I can't get my tone loud enough through my cab without the Musysic clipping at a certain point. At the point right before it starts to clip it sounds great but not enough volume, when I try to turn up either the kempers rig volume/monitor volume/etc or the gain on the power amp it just starts to distort and not sound good. I'm sure this has something to do with the fact that the power amp I have has too many watts/is technically a DJ amp but I don't see why it's doing this. Any ideas? Also I've been looking into crown power amps as as cheap solution to this, I have a budget of $300 anyone have experience using those?

    This is the power amp:

  • You might want to check out things like the Palmer Macht or Harley Benton GPA-400, or maybe sniff around and see if you can't get a tube power amp like the Peavey Classic 50/50, they occasionally appear below your threshold. Something that's less powerful, and designed a bit more for guitar and bass as opposed to the one you're using, which is meant for PA stuff.

  • What speaker cabinet are you using? What is the Ohms load of the cabinet, and RMS wattage rating for the cabinet?

    How many watts RMS does this “3200 Watts” Amplifier produce into the cabinet Ohms load?

    To be honest I didn't even realize power amps produce power into ohms I guess I should of realized this, would definitely explain why the DJ poweramp isn't working that well. I looked into the above suggestions and found this, definitley considering it.

    Cab I'm using is a Blackmarket Custom cab (independent company from MA) it's an 8x10 that I believe is 12ohms no idea about the RMS.