2.1.41 Update Profiler Rig Access Win 7

  • Hi.

    After updating updated Rig Manager. Everything about the librarian seems normal EXCEPT the ability to access rigs contained in the profiler is gone.

    There are only Local Library and Rig Pack folders available to browse. There used to be a 3rd profiler folder that contained and allowed access to the rigs stored on the profiler.

    I don't know if anyone is experiencing similar problems. I've tried things to remedy with no luck and I guess the best option is to re-install an older rig manager.

    Posting in case anyone else has similar issues.

  • wow. I've practically been Kemper's #1 unofficial fan until tonight. This RM update should have displayed sys requirements before installing. I'll say that again:


    I consider this to be a HUGE oversight. Sorry to be rude but they should know better.

  • Thank you for the response. I'm unable to get any version of RM working at this point. I keep the profiler mostly empty. I'm usually at a console and use RM & Librarian for most tasks as the Kemper can not be located close to me.

    UPDATE: After uninstalling everything and using a few things from Hiren's disk and reinstalling the last version available from your site I have a RM that connects to the profiler but now without Rigs.

    Please post a fix procedure to get that last known config before 2.1.41 or something. I'm sure there's more than a few of us who are not willing to risk applying MS updates to older production machines. I'd rather purchase a computer just for RM if that will be necessary to use the latest OS once it's released. Thanks.