Unpowered KPA into powered Matrix fr10 then to FOH

  • I just got the matrix powered cab and I play in a medium sized club with a nice PA system. I have an unpowered toaster and have been running IEM until now.
    My question is whether I should run my KAP main out to the Matrix and the go out of the Matrix to FOH? Or should I go separately one line to Matrix cab and one to the FOH.
    If it's the latter, which output should I use for the FOH and the cab and should I go with cab sim on or off for each.
    Obviously I'd like to hear the KPA in all of it's glory through the Matrix cab. So I'm wondering if using the output from the cab will diminish the tone to FOH.
    Sorry for the remedial inquiry but I'm a idiot where these type of things are concerned.

  • Since it’s a full range monitor, you’ll want to keep the Cab section on, otherwise you’ll be in for some very trebly, fizzy guitar tones.

    I’d use the monitor out for the Matrix and the main outs for FOH. That way you can control your onstage volume independently and run stereo to FOH, if that’s your thing (otherwise just use one of the sides and set the Output source to master mono).