Delay Tempo displayed in BPMs not in MS

  • Hey Guys,

    I understand the 'To Tempo', tap tempo and holding down the 'tap' features on the kemper and/or the footswitch to display BPMs, but is there a way I can set the default display on the Delays section of the effects to display BPMs instead of MS???

    So if I choose a quarter note delay (4/16) so that I see the BPMs displayed and not have to tap in my tempo? How can I get BPMs as my default display (above 'Delay Time 1') on my delays effects screen instead of MS when dialing in my delays? - without having to tap them in or hold down the tap feature and then dial them in via BPMs???

    Thank you for your help!

  • Have a look at the rig settings page 2/6. Probably not 100% what you are looking for (not the default), but perhaps good enough?

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  • Thank you, and I appreciate the help, but not what i'm looking for.

    I want to be able to see BPMs when dialing in my delays on the main screen instead of MS. I don't want to have to exit out and go into rig settings or tap the tempo. Is there a way to get BPMs as the default on the delay display screen instead of MS???

  • BPM in itself is no useful parameter to dial in a delay. Milliseconds and note values are, but note values then need to refer to a tempo.
    IOW: If you want a delay of a quarter note you must refer to a tempo otherwise the note value makes no sense. A BPM parameter without a musical note value makes no sense either.

  • I completely understand that, but once I decide on a note value can I dial it in (on the delay screen without exiting to rig settings or have to use the tap feature) to a BPM vs MS... All songs I play have time signatures (tempos) in BPMs not MS.

  • Simply enable the tempo in the rig settings and set the desired BPM while you are there if you want to set your delay times in musical note values.
    You can find more info regarding this on page 45/46 in the main amnual.