HSH Out of Phase Issue

  • Hello, all!

    I know this isn't exactly Kemper related, but I really would like some help understanding an issue I'm currently having.

    Recently, I installed a set of Suhr SSH+, ML, and SSV pickups in an HSH guitar (5-way switch) and I noticed that positions 2 and 4 sound a bit out of phase.

    I don't have an image, but here's a basis of the wiring for the pickups:

    Humbuckers (SSH+ - bridge and SSV - neck):

    Black and bare wire were soldered to ground, red and white were soldered to a mini toggle switch for coil split, and the green wire was soldered to the 5-way pickup selector switch.

    Single Coil (ML):

    Black wire was soldered to ground, and white wire was soldered to pickup selector switch.

    I have 2 speculations of the issue:

    1. Both humbuckers are wired out of phase, causing positions 2 and 4 to sound out of phase (nasally).

    2. The single coil is wired out of phase, causing positions 2 and 4 to sound out of phase (nasally).

    Does anyone here know what could be the culprit and how to remedy this? Any help would be appreciated!

  • I'd go to the gear page - husky is John's username and he is normally pretty sharp at responding to his actual customers.

    Good luck!

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.