SOLVED w/ 1.08 - Odd Situational Qwerk - Audible Delay in Stomp Effect

  • I've been spending some time tweaking the Hiwattt profile from the exchange to come up with a Gilmour/Cornish-inspired rig that has stomps to get close to both P2 and G2 types of tones in one rig. To best explain the oddity I need to explain the signal chain first.

    All of these stomps have been edited to my liking
    Pure Boost
    Fuzz DS

    Also note that I've heavily modified the settings of the stock Hiwatt profile in the Stack section (Amp, EQ and Cab).

    The plan was to leave the stomps 1 and 3 (compessor and boost) on all of the time and switch between stomp 2 to get a Cornish P2-type of sound and stomp 4 to get a Cornish G2-type of sound.

    The oddity
    There is an audible delay of approximately 2 seconds before the full effect of stomp 2 or 4 kicks in when moving from one to the other. To try it out do the following:
    Activate Stomps 1, 3 and 4.
    Turn off 4
    Turn on 2 and listen closely... There is an immediate change in tone and then two seconds later the full effect of stomp 2 comes through????
    If you simply turn off 2 again and then turn it back on... this delay doesn't happen when you turn it back on???
    Now, turn off 2 again
    Turn on four and listen even more closely and there is a very slight but audible delayed change again (although quiet a bit less noticeable but still there).
    ?( No idea???

    I didn't perfect the rig but I just uploaded the rig under the working name that I was using for it Gilmour B=P2 D=G3 to see if anyone could test it to see if they could replicate what I've found.

    Side notes for those interested in the rig itself - I used a G2 clone and a Dice Works Fuzz Epic to approximate the tones I wanted to capture. I use a Timeline for delay so I didn't concentrate too hard on whatever delay I have set up in there (and not active). David Gilmour or not hopefully you can appreciate - very versatile rig with fuzzy goodness. After a bunch of time tweaking to make it really versatile, the G2 setting rolls off to clean tones with the guitar volume really nicely. Something I hoped before buying the Kemper that it could do.…FahYZvbJ6aH2hp1xrSn?.kipr

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited 5 times, last by BuckeyeBrown ().

  • I tried the rig, and there's definitely something fishy going on. I changed the 4th stomp to Muffin, and the problem now occurs there too (especially noticeable when the compressor is turned on).

    So the Muffin fuzz seems to be bugged.

  • I will have a look!


    Thanks CK.

    If possible, while you are testing it there seems to be some strange noises that generate even when no strings are being played. I don't have any idea what its from but I'm guessing its a compressor vs noise gate thing. Furthermore using a vintage pickup equipped strategy, listen to single notes decaying and there seems to be some unnatural decays that's being discussed in a couple other threads right now. I believe its a fight between the noise gate and the compressor that rears itself more with low output pickups, guitar volume and the KPA's input sensitivity. I hate to even put it like this but "in this situation" the unnatural decay has a glitchy digital feel. I'm sorry - I'm sure those probably sound like "fighting word" so please don't take me the wrong way. Love the KPA - I just came across this too on that Gil our rig.

    Any info appreciated.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • Can you post a clip using this Profile/Rig for Gilmour/Pink Floyd stuff...just a little clip mixed in with a backing track doing anything Floyd?

  • [/quote]Can you post a clip using this Profile/Rig for Gilmour/Pink Floyd stuff...just a little clip mixed in with a backing track doing anything Floyd?[/quote]

    Just added it to the thread for this rig in the exchange - hoping the playing doesn't suck...

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.