Alternative Input

  • Hi All,

    Is there a way to plug my computer speaker output into the Kemper? I am trying to hear backing tracks and the guitar through the headphone output. I have tried several different ways of hooking the computer into the Kemper and the best I can get out is a VERY weak sound.

    Thanks for your help.

  • You have to use the Auxiliary input in order to allow you to feed a stereo signal through the profiler. This will ensure that the signal will not be affected by the same signal chain of your guitar.

  • Thanks for you response. I did go from my computer output into the Aux/Alternative input, but got almost no sound.

  • There's a bit of setting up to do in order to get it to work... From the manual...

    "The Auxiliary Input function allows you to feed a stereo signal, such as an mp3-player, into your PROFILER to play

    along with it. In the Output Section, the Auxiliary Input function is equipped with three mix controls: one to feed the
    aux signal to the MAIN OUTPUTS as well as S/PDIF OUTPUT, and two others to feed it to the MONITOR OUTPUT
    and HEADPHONE output. This allows you, for instance, to add an additional monitor signal to your HEADPHONE
    output, while the MAIN OUTPUTS stay unaffected. With the activation of “Monitor Stereo” MONITOR OUTPUT and
    DIRECT OUTPUT get paired as one logical stereo monitor output. The Aux In signal will also appear on both and its
    mix gets controlled via “Aux In >Monitor”. The auxiliary signal will not be affected by any internal effects.
    You will need to purchase a special cable which provides the stereo signal via two separate TS jacks. Plug the left
    jack into the RETURN and the right jack into the ALTERNATIVE INPUT. Use the "Aux In >…" soft knobs to adjust
    the level"

  • Thanks, I was using a single stereo cable plugged into the ALT input only. So I just need a "Y" connector from the stereo cable to the two inputs of the Kemper?