Tried it again, quad tracked, metal clip

  • Tried it again, I'll eventually get the takes I'm happy with, this came close, couple of flubs I'm not happy with, but thought I would try tracking 4 guitars and mixing them to see how it sounded, also turn the gain WAY down, far enough I felt weird playing with it that way

    anyways, I mixed it like this:

    Fortin Marshall left 100%
    Boosted Marshall Right 100%
    Fortin Marshall Right 60%
    Boosted Marshall Left 60%

    Bass - Ampeg profile

    Thoughts? Tips? Ideas?

    anyone wanna put a solo in it? ;)

    Here it is:

  • Cool song, the guitars sound great.

    Concerning the mix, it suffers a little bit from the typical "guitar player becoming producer" problem: The guitars are tool loud, while drums and bass need more attention. Maybe just changing the levels will already be enough.

    I totally agree...I'm one of those
    "guitar player becoming producer"-guys. we want the guitars to be loud and dominant so we turn'em up but if you listen to a well-produced (professional) song the guitars are really not that loud. they may sound loud/huge but so do drums and bass in a great mix. I guess it's a matter of finding the space for every instrument, and THAT is not easy IMO..still struggling with that but I'm getting closer..

  • Thanks guys, yeah, I'm very aware of what I did with the mix, I was trying to showcase the tones of the Kemper right now, BUT yeah I see what your saying, I am exactly what your describing, once I get the performances the way I want them, I will start playing around with mixing, eq-ing, etc.... Trying to listen from a different point of view ;)

    Thanks for the tips, please feel free to help out in anyway you'd like, it's all very appreciated, you guys will probably hear or notice things I wont.
