Jazz Rock Fusion Freetime stuff in a video.

  • Are getting a bit more familiar with my Kemper. Spend quite a lot of time tweaking it. And are getting much closer to what i like: A very present and full sounding guitar. :) I'm much more satisfied with the dynamics now, after working with the in and output levels, and this Kemper thingy, is proving itself to be quite a genius piece of kit.

    The track is a bit odd, fusion like, emotional stuff, to fit the video and the dance moves. Artsy fartsy you could say. But I like it :) For the track, i used my Rahbek guitars. Those are very nice :) I've lost track of what profiles i tweaked. When they went too far from their origin, I renamed them, so i could remember what profiles to work on.

    Vittoria Lasorella WarmUp routine

    Next up, I'll start recording my solo album. I bought the Kemper for that, and I'm happy I did. It's worth every penny :)

    I like music, especially good music. :)