New tune, Maybe someday

  • Hi there

    This is a new tune in drop C, a tuning i don't use very often but thought i's try it out. All the guitars are the "TAF - Car S 6 BP+" profile by And44, it's a great mid gain style profile. The guitars were recorded using an Ibanez PGM 301 which can be quite bright sounding but suits the profile in this tuning very well.

    All the drums, bass and keys were toontrack prodects.…ng/32207119-maybe-someday

  • Another great one Joe, thanks for sharing! And thanks for mentioning the profile you used. Another hidden gem from the initial set that comes with the Kemper. I have to admit that I did not really recognize this one before you mentioned it here. Just played around with it for a few minutes and think it is brilliant. You used it very nicely, great sound! :thumbup:8)

  • Thanks ST, i'd love that to be placed in any such film or TV series. That would be brilliant. Thanks for checking it out.