Is it possible to mimic the focusrite air function as an eq preset?

  • Hi all, the air function engaged on my focusrite scarlett audio interface does sound great with my Kemper, it makes the sound more lively 3d-ish. Can this effect be replicated in the Kemper? I`ve tried this with the space function but this isn`t the same. I`m using the audio interface after the Kemper and then connect to a mixing desk. Hope you can help me out, thanks.

  • I don't know about that audio interface but as it has a air function it must mean it' something similar to the Maag EQ. So no it can't be replicated with any of the EQs in the Kemper.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I’ve been experimenting a bit and think I’ve got pretty close to the air effect with internal eq settings after the amp in the Kemper. I took the EQ rythm preset and changed the low gain to -1.2dB and have the low cut set to 66.1 Hz.