Syncing Tags with Local Library

  • So I have a bunch of rigs on my Kemper, and have rated the ones I like 5 stars, and tagged them as Favorite. In Rig Manager I can see those ratings under MyProfiler. However all the rigs in my local library do not have that meta data updated. I can't drag the rigs into my library to replace the ones that are there, thereby getting that meta data, because it complains its a duplicate. Is there a way to replace rigs in my local library with those in my kemper, or a way to sync the tags? Surely I don't have to go through one rig at a time and delete from the library so that I can re-import it from my Kemper? Isn't rig manager able to sync the meta data of a rig on my kemper with one in my library? That seems like a basic feature that we've had since MP3? Any tips?

  • I think you are saying that in the MyProfiler window of RM the columns for ratings and favourites aren’t visible. Every area in RM can have its own custom view parameters. With MyProfiler selected right click on the column headers and you should be able to select whatever information you want to have showing.

    Wheresthedug thanks for responding.

    What I am asking is this:

    In the MyProfiler section I have 60 profiles installed. As I've gone through them I've tagged some of them as Favorite, I've rated some of them 1 to 5 stars, I've added comments to some of them. So all the profiles in MyProfiler have tags updated as I'd like.

    In the Local Library, those same profiles, that were dragged into MyProfiler do not get any of those tag updates applied. RM treats those as a copy and appears to have no link between those and the profiles in Local Library. There appears to be no way to sync the two. I can't even replace those in Local Library with those from MyProfiler, so I can get the updated tags in Local Library, as RM pervents that because they are duplicates. If it gave the option to replace those in Local Library, that would at least allow for manual sync of tags.

    I think the only solution is to find each profile one at a time in my Local Library, delete it, then copy the updated profile over from MyProfiler back to the Local Library. That is terribly time consuming, and will have to be repeated again and again as I continue to update my tags. Is there really not a simpler way to do this? If the Kemper kept a unique ID against each profile to identify it, then it could sync tags automatically.

    If this were an iPod for example, and I'd tagged a bunch of songs on iPod as favorite, then connected it to my PC or Mac, all those songs in local library would have their tags updated to reflect the changes made on iPod in iTunes. It did that 20 years ago. It's basic functionality, and it appears to be missing entirely in RM?

  • OK, I see what you mean. Just tried it at my end too and the updated meta data doesn't automatically sync.

    I have always taken issue with the lack of a single unique identifier for rigs and have requested this several times. Burkhard and the team at Kemper maintain that each rig DOES have a unique identifier but it is the combination of two fields NAME and DATE. While it is true that the combination of these two fields are a unique identifier it is still irritating to use when a single field would be better.

    In your scenario I don't think it is the lack of a unique identifier that is the problem. Rather, it is a matter of what gets synced automatically and what needs to be saved manually. I would like to see the following logic:

    Rig A is copied from local library to My Profiler. Everything is OK as they are still identical rigs.

    I edit a parameter (such as Gain or add an effect etc) and save this. This is now a new rig and is called Rig B. Rig A still exist so Rig B can be dragged to Local Library and a new Rig B is synced on both locations. However, if I make a change and store this on MyProfiler as a replacement for Rig A, I still only have one rig (RigA) but with a new unique identifier in the new date stamp. If I drag this to Local Library it should overwrite the Rig A in Local Library.

    If I edit a Meta Data Tag but no rig parameters this would still be Rig A with the original date stamp. Rig Manager would see this as a duplicate rig and prevent me from dragging it to Local Library. I am fine with this but I would still expect to see the Meta Data Tags updated to sync between KPA and RM.