Brainwave idea - Re Footcontroller!

  • I'm ducking for cover. :)

    OK, so a footcontroller is being designed and built, how about killing two birds with one stone?

    How about, a footcontroller with a small processor that's able to load up and store a dozen or so Profiles, and some basic FX...a mini all in one Kemper floorboard unit?
    So, you have your main Kemper, the Profiling mothership, you load up the few 'rigs' you need for your gig onto your floorboard "mini unit" and off you go, you can leave your Kemper mothership at home.

    The floorboard unit doesn't need a full set of controls, all it needs is a simple set of EQ knobs, or a Master EQ, and a Gain knob.
    The footcontroller currently being designed is going to control your FX anyway, (from the mothership KPA), but how about some basic FX built in?

  • In order to be able to do something like that it would need the same core hardware = roughly same price (minus a couple of soft dials)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff