Morphing - Possible to swap states?

  • Hi,

    got this question, maybe someone know cool tricks. I try to explain.

    I got 2 favourite rigs. Rig 1 in its second state (morphed) and Rig 2 in its first state.

    Any ideas how to get on Rig 1 the two morph states swapped? So I got my two faves on the first state and I can switch better between them?

    Bonus points:
    they are based on the same cab and amp, but with totally different setting in the amp and cab sections. Can amp/cab section morphed too? So would it be possible to (I guess with writing down every single setting) combine them?

    Bonus 2:
    is there a possibility to erase one of the two morph states? So both states are for example state 2. That would do the trick, too.

    dumb questions after using kemper since forever :)

  • Unfortunately there is no shortcut. You need to set parameter values for base sound and morph sound manually.

    Page "Morph" in Rig Settings helps you to identify the modules which include parameters set up for morphing. On this page you can also erase morph settings either by module or for all modules in one go. However, this only affects the morph sound, not the base sound.

    You can morph continuous amp parameters, but not cabinet parameters since this would cause artefacts.