using Kemper Stage in effects loop of a EVH 5150 III stealth 50 watt head

  • I am having issues when running my stage into my effects loop return of my evh 5150 III

    any advice to get a good tone using the stage thru a effects loop this way? I also have a headrush 212 i run thru the main outputs.....

    I play metal and feel at times at louder volumes it distorts a tad. I use 2 evh 212 cabinets

    I feel I'm doing something wrong like maybe my signals too hot or something because its only at higher volumes on the faster chugging riffs (I play metal by the way)

    I'm green so any help id appreciate.

  • Basic setup from the manual.

    In the output section set Monitor Out to Master Mono.

    Turn the cabinet section off for Monitor Out.

    Try setting the Monitor Out at -18db to start, that's been a good average for me with most profiles, for power amps and guitar amp effects returns.

    Make sure the Monitor Outputs volume is not controlled or linked to the Profilers volume knob. Use the evh to control your volume from there.