Master volume ring leds (solved)

  • Hi all, I'm trying to understand the Master Volume ring leds. They appear to be related to the Main Output volume only?

    What I am trying to achieve is to set the Main level to FOH using the encoders below the screen, then unlink everything except monitor level and have the Master Volume ring leds respond to the Monitor level control so I can observe my current monitor level. Is this possible?

  • I'm using the Stage. Could you please explain how to achieve this? I can only get the led collar to respond when I select "Main Out Link" on the "Output Volumes" page. I don't see anything on this on page 289 of the manual.

  • I picked the description of "Volume LED Collar" from page 289 Main Manual 9.0. It's where the User Interface page within System Settings gets explained.

    The parameter is also explained in context of MASTER VOLUME of PROFILER Stage.