How to erase ALL listed Factory Presets from Rig Manager?

  • Is it possible to erase ALL the pre installed Factory Rigs from Rig Manager?

    I have found about 100 profiles that are perfect, and I have made a file folder of these on my Mac.

    I would LIKE to erase all the Factory Installed rigs that are listed in Rig Manager.

    I have already erased all the profiles manually from my Kemper Stage.

    I simply don’t want to have to scroll past a million different included Rigs from the Amp Factory and others, just to get to my stuff.

    Is it possible to erase all this?

    I know I CAN simply put all my 100 profiles into the Local Library, but I just don’t have a need for all the other Rigs/Performances/etc.

    I am using a Mac, and I have read other threads where it says “Just right click, and you get the option to delete.”

    But on my Mac, I have a flat tracking pad, and right clicking does nothing.

    If I click on a factory installed preset listed in Rig Manager, then it becomes highlighted in green, but no option to delete shows up. If the preset is highlighted in green, and I go to the Rig Manager options at the top of the screen (File, Edit, Help, etc,) the option to delete is grayed out and unavailable.

    Thanks for any help!

  • No. You can’t remove the Rig Exchange or Rig Packs.

    You can minimize their folder trees, but they cannot be removed.

    “Without music, life would be a mistake.” - Friedrich Nietzsche