USB and SPDIF source

  • I just update my Kemper Head (white toaster, unpowered) to the latest OS release. I'm glad that audio over USB is now possible. I record digitally over S/PDIF, because I don't need the AD/DA conversion going into my Clarett+ (MacBook). I wanted to experiment with recording with effects today. I use DI / Stack for all my recordings, so I can do some revamping later. I wanted to record DLY/REV wet over USB. But when I select this source for USB, the output for S/PDIF changes also. Is this a bug or a feature? This seems like very odd behaviour. Thanks so much for your reply.

  • Okay, so nobody had the same issue? Is it just me, or should I submit a feature request? I would like to separate the usb output from the spdif output, if that is technically possible. It seems like a rather straightforward thing.

  • Thank you for your responses, and good te hear that I'm not the only one who has this issue. Let's hope they can (and want) to mix it in the mix. With all the different options for outputs, this one seems like a possibility.

  • Just ran into this myself while learning the ins and outs of recording for the first time. I was hoping to record stereo DI via USB and wet stereo via SPDIF, but the recording source between the two appears to be linked. I suspect this may be a hardware limitation. Is that the case?

    What are best practices instead? Deal with it and go mono? Just go DI and use one or the other (USB/SPDIF)?

  • Just ran into this myself while learning the ins and outs of recording for the first time. I was hoping to record stereo DI via USB and wet stereo via SPDIF, but the recording source between the two appears to be linked. I suspect this may be a hardware limitation. Is that the case?

    What are best practices instead? Deal with it and go mono? Just go DI and use one or the other (USB/SPDIF)?

    I guess if you wanted this you could reamp via digital. Have one side of the digital in as your amp and one as mono fx for recording and then reamp with just stereo fx. I’m not sure any stereo data is carried in the actual profile.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10