Kemper USB record/play - a less limited solution

  • Why doesn't the aggregated device solve your problem? Doesn't it allow you to reamp using the Kemper USB in and outputs while using the RME for monitoring?

    It still does not let me hear the live guitar signal. And I don't believe, that I'm mentioning re-amping. I'm talking about tracking guitar in Logic + just playing without Logic open. Just turn on the Mac, the Kemper and the speakers = sound. I haven't looked into the re-amping side of the USB solution yet, as the USB solution still hasn't worked out for me yet when just recording.

    The aggregated device doesn‘t route the audio from device to device.

    It is: the solution is an audio routing software as I mentioned in my previous post.

    I will look into that :) Thanx :thumbup:

    Yeah. My suggestion is to accomplish that part in the analog domain. Having the Kemper analog outputs connected to the RME.

    Yes...that is also what I'm gonna have to do as for right now. Not the perfect solution, but it will probably work okay.

    I'd support the idea of changing your audio interface. I've been using my KPA with an RME Fireface via SPDIF, and everything has been working flawlessly since day one. The RME is connected to my PC, my Profiler and my monitors at the same time, and should I need further inputs I can use the Fireface as a mixing desk as well......

    HTH :)

    I used the S/Pdif solution with older Focusrite Safire Pro 14. Never had issues until it started to fail on me. So I bought a RME Babyface Pro fs. I bought converters to use the ADAT for S/Pdif, but there are crackles in the sound, so I stopped using that and went back to the analog way. I just really like the digital way better.

    Thanx everyone for your thoughts and advice :thumbup:

  • I just encountered yet another problem. When I plug the analog cables into the RME Babyface Pro fs, I can hear the direct guitar. That's good of course, but when I open Logic, the analog inputs from the Kemper gets cut off and doesn't go to the RME Babyface's input. It just shuts the signal from the Kemper off completely. So that solution seems to not work for me either. I use the aggregated device in Logic, so I can record with USB, but then listen to the analog signal. It doesn't work.

  • I’ve been looking into these software solutions, virango wrote about. These routing solutions are probably not for me as they demand more of the user, than I really want to invest. It’s a complicated solution, but it works indeed. I found it hard to believe, that this was impossible.

    So Dear Kemper. Please make this possible within RM and the Kemper.