Bug (maybe?)

  • Think I found a bug today, although maybe it's how they intend the functionality to occur but it seems odd if so. I have a Kemper stage running the latest OS beta 10. whatever, and RM 3.4.43 beta (on Mac OS 11.6).

    In performance mode. Had a Michael Britt AC50 profile, and added the new liquid profile AC30 tonestack on top of it - sounds awesome btw :))

    Then when I set a morphing feature to move from a lowish gain (4.5) to a more crunchy tone (gain 7.0) - it will allow me to set the morph between the values, but as soon as I make any other changes to the profile it will forget the morph (just disappears like I never set it).

    However, if I set the morph on the "generic gain" knob, it does remember it and all works as expected. Maybe that's not a bug, it just surprised me that I could set the morph feature on the tonestack gain and switch between them but it wouldn't "stick" once I made any other changes. Felt like a bug.