Lots of Random glitches and confusion

  • I'm using 3.4.45 with the lasted Beta 10.1.1 on a M1 2020 Mac Ventura 13.4.

    *I'm noticing these issues in performance mode. Some of them have been issues for a long time on prior versions.

    1) it partially freezes quite often. I'll click to a different Rig and the displayed controls, at the bottom don't change even though the sound changes. So for example it still shows the amp's controls for the prior Rig. Quitting and opening back up fixes it. In general it's advisable to wait a few seconds after clicking a Rig before clicking another or starting to adjust something as Rig Manager has a tendency to act glitchy if you make changes too quickly.

    2) Sometimes it auto assigns a new effect to a footswitch, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it even adds it to a switch already assigned to something else. As such, I always have to watch the Stage on the floor to see what it will do so I don't discover later that it assigned the effect somewhere I don't want it. I don't know if it's possible to program the foot switches from Rig Manager, but having to crawl on the floor to do this while editing a bunch of rigs is a huge pain.

    2) it seems to sometimes forget saved changes, changes that I confirm I are actually saved by leaving the Rig and coming back. Yesterday I wanted to add a default Graphic EQ to all five Rigs in 14 performances. So I loaded a Graphic EQ on one Rig, locked that slot and proceeded to go to each Rig in that performance, then saving. Going to the next performance, I went to each Rig within the performance, and saved again and so on. I confirmed that it was saving the EQ to the X slot in all five Rigs in each performance. When I opened it up this morning, the EQ was only found on the first Rig in each performance.

    I guess I don't understand how the lock function works. If I lock an effect block, does it automatically place that locked effect on all the Rigs in a performance? Or do I first have to go to each Rig in that performance for it to temporarily overwrite that block. Once I do this and Save (which is "replace performance #.. in Rig manager) is it now saved in all five Rigs provided that I went to each one? This seemed to be what happened yesterday, which I confirmed doubling clicking on other performances and coming back to see if the change was still there across all five rigs.

    3) For some reason it decided to assign the EQ to stomp IV, which I had already set up for use with my delay. So I get to go to all those performances and unassigned it over and over again even though I never programed it to do that in the first place.

    4) Sometimes Initialize performance is grayed out, sometimes not. I thought perhaps that it only lets you initialize when you see the headphone Icon after double clicking, but sometimes even when headphone icon is selected the initialize feature is still grayed out on that performance. Going to another Rig and coming back usually gives that option back again.

    5) Because it's so easy to accidentally start editing the wrong Rig or performance, I like to copy and paste performances into blank/initialized performances, before editing an adjacent one. For example, I often create a base performance with effects, morphs, and footswitch assignments all laid out nice and paste that performance into a couple blanks. (I tend to be more fixed in the combinations of effects I like to use, while exploring various profiles.) That way I can edit one, (often just placing a different amp and cab combination into those blocks) and not accidentally screw up the one I started with.

    5) When pasting copied performances, it only lets you paste once. If, for example, you copy performance 2 and would like to paste it into initlilzed performances 78, 79, and 80 the paste function is grayed out after pasting once to 78, so you have to go back and copy again. Sometimes copy is grayed out sometimes not. Sometimes it seems to let you copy a selected but not active rig, other times you have to double click the Rig first.

    6) When you attempt to rearrange the rig order by dragging a performance, it won't scroll slowly, it's all or nothing. So as soon as you hit the top of the screen, you either drop the rig their, scroll up some and drag it further (repeat these steps a dozen times moving far) or you move your mouse up a tiny bit and it flies all the way up to the top or vice versa files to the bottom. I can't get it to just scroll slowly so that I can drop the performance where I want it. This action can get glitchy if I don't do it slowly or try to move multiple performances at once. So it becomes an agonizingly slow process.
    7) There doesn't seem to be a way to switch from browse to performance mode within Rig Manager. Having a Stage under my desk by my feet makes pressing these buttons super painful.

    8) Rig Manager often prompts me about an update being available when I already have the most current one.

    9) If I paste a new amp profile and Cab into another Rig or performance, only some of the info flies over. If I leave the performance and come back, only then will it display the new amp and cabinet name. But "Name" (not the name in the green box) but what the name of the profile is doesn't change to reflect the pasted Rig, that name will still refect the name of the original profile that the Rig was made with. So I have to go to the other Rig that I copied the amp and Cab from and copy that name and then go to the new Rig and paste the name there. (If the name is short, sometimes I just manually type it. But I'm going for accuracy as I may later want to know what the original profile the Rig was made from. Sometimes things get glitchy when I attempt to do copy and paste the text sometimes not. Sometimes if I rename something such as the "Name" and then select a different Rig in the same performance, it will first say "syncing performances" and two seconds later its done. Othertimes, it doen't say that and the Replace performance # icon lights up. Perfumably in the former I don't have to save the changed name, as it already saved it while syncing performances, and I can't save it anyway since "replace performance #.." remains grayed out. In the later, I have to click "replace performance #.." in order for the changed name to not be lost when I switch Rigs. Other times I try to click on the field to edit the name and nothing happens.