Kemper Player Global Slot Selection Midi

  • I'm aware you can program individual rigs with #CC1-50. What I'm looking for is a global #CC message so I can use my small 6 pedal USB midi pedal be able to active Slots 1-5 (leaving the last slot for Tap) in whatever bank I'm in. Essentially like the Remote has in performance mode. I see theres an option for the footswitches to be able to active individual slots, so am hoping there is a simple way of recreating that function with midi.

    Loving the Player with the smaller realestate. Gigged 4 times this week on it already and it's been so nice.

  • My bad! This is actually all good and can be done!

    For anyone who needs to now this the player acts the same as the big kemper Remote in Performance mode.

    CC#48 will bank up to the next performance

    CC#49 will bank down to the previous performance.

    You use these to go to the performance you want...and you use these to select the slot in that performance.

    CC #50 Slot 1 of Current Performance

    CC #51 Slot 2 of Current Performance

    CC #52 Slot 3 of Current Performance

    CC #53 Slot 4 of Current Performance

    CC #54 Slot 5 of Current Performance

    I had trouble finding this to a stumbled on it in a another thread