Player: Streaming via Bluetooth and connecting iOS Rig Manager at the same time doesn't work.

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    ☑️ Profiler Player


    As the title says:
    I can connect Rig Manager on IOS directly to the player using 'access point mode' and have the Player connected through Bluetooth to my IOS phone as well (led is Purple)
    However, rigmanager (on my phone) will not 'see' the player untill I stop streaming music via bluetooth.
    When I disconnect just bluetooth (led is Red) I am able again to use rig manager on my phone.
    So somehow it can't do bluetooth stream and rig manager to the same phone at the same time.

    Sounds familiar? Is there a solution for this?

  • Burkhard

    Changed the title of the thread from “Player: Streaming via bluetooth and connecting IOS rig manager at the sametime doens't work.” to “Player: Streaming via Bluetooth and connecting iOS Rig Manager at the same time doesn't work.”.