Using an empty USB stick

  • Hopefully this is not a dumb question-here goes (yes I have done a search and read the manual)

    I have an empty USB stick that I want to format. When the KPA formats why does is ask me are you sure. Is it gonna empty my profiles?
    Also, I am starting with a fresh USB because whenever I put new profiles on my original USB stick it loads profiles I have deleted back into the KPA. Is my thought process correct here?
    over the last couple weeks I have just been deleting un-needed profiles form the KPA only to have them put back on when I insert the same USB stick.
    Follow me?

  • Any rigs on the USB drive will be imported if not already in the KPA, so archive them somewhere on your PC and delete them from the USB drive. Only put rigs on the USB that you want to import.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • It's just asking because anything on the USB drive will be erased when it's formatted. It won't change anything on the KPA.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Zappledan is correct. The KPA doesn't know if your USB drive is empty or not. It only knows that formatting is destructive to existing files and folders so it warns you. If you know it is empty, answer yes and your done.

    There are no stupid questions....but I have provided some pretty dumb answers. :D
