Help Me Get This Tone Please?!?!?

  • I'm looking for what profile will get me close to this tone, or if some has a rig they can share that does this. While I hate the band, I've been in love with this song and the tone for years. I feel the kemper is the tool that should be able to make achieving this tone a reality since its probably not all that special. Anyway, appreciate any help you guys can be.

  • Sounds like a Les Paul into a Marshall to my ears, but it's been produced/engineered. If I'm not mistaken there's a booster or EQ (boosting mids) in front of the amp, more EQ afterwards probably for getting rid of excess low end and high end. Also the rhythm guitar in that song is double tracked which makes it fuller, "creamier" and "chunkier".

  • Yeah, I play a LP Limited Edition with MCP Detroiters in it. Similar to WCR. I was more so looking for what profile to start with, cab, and then what effects/eq to add to it.

    Thanks for the tips thus far!!

  • Start with Marshall Golub, Plexi's cranked or the Soldano SLO Lead. Online they say they use Marshall Super Lead, Plexi JTM45 so that should get you in the ballpark. It is a finished song so pulling a specific guitar out of the mix will be your perspective but at least you will have a start...

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Go to the link below, download my '70 superlead I profiled. You may need to up the gain a little to add more hair to it, but I think one of those should get pretty close.Remember too you're hearing an entire song versus one guitar, They may have layered that guitar several times with different amps or guitars.


  • Thanks Pete. I came across your website after posting this actually. I'm going to play with the profiles you mentioned. I've loaded them to my machine but haven't had a chance to dive in. I'm really looking for the tone of the first guitar that comes in at the beginning of the track, which is isolated, so I'm focusing on that right now. In guessing getting the right cabinet match and some EQ Tweaks will get me there. We'll see.

    Thanks for the help!!!