Deleting everything apart from favorites

  • I was told by Timo who works at Kemper that this is not so

    Amps and Cabs are embedded in the Rig. Deleting the Rig means loosing the content incl. the Amp and/or Cab.

    Timo was making a general statement. In your case (fav with cab from another rig) you are not deleting the rig in question (the fav), but a rig that happens to have the same cabinet. both are separate entities.

  • Timo was making a general statement. In your case (fav with cab from another rig) you are not deleting the rig in question (the fav), but a rig that happens to have the same cabinet. both are separate entities.

    I think maybe I just don't understand.. is a favorite also called a stack,if I have change some parts, ie the cab

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • A favourite is a full rig with Stomps, Stack (including tonestack, amp and cab), and FX. All what is in it will NOT be canceled in the process.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff