Test Metal-Profiles

  • Thanks for that, i was just wondering the same thing.

    I read a while ago of someone selling his Kemper because he felt all the amps had the same gain structure.
    I realized i'm equalizing my amps and using the same cabs, making them sound nearly identical - and i was wondering if i'm imagining the differences.
    It's quite amazing, actually. I love the subtlety of the Kemper.

    Used the same cab for all of these, by the way?

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Yes! These are all off a mesa 4x12 cab. I know what you mean because im very often doing the exact same thing. I think its just "your" sound you are used to hear/want to hear there. Good sign i guess. Seems like you know what you whant. :)

  • Hi, nice test, it would be interesting comparing each rig both with it's own cab, and your go to cab, to hear the difference in the mix.
    Is there any post processing in the daw or in the kpa?
    I'm selecting good metal rig too, but i'm not into the cab swapping thing, It would be great sharing the results!