Upgraded my monitors...

  • Just upgraded my monitors to some Adam A7x's and what can I say, the kemper sounds incredible. Id share a picture but the jpg is too big. For anyone thinking of upgrading I'd say don't skimp on monitors, invest as much as you can. Thanks for the advice on the board, gianfranco especially (the wiki guy)

    A better interface next I think.

  • I use the Adam a5x, with an Adam sub, and I can attest, they really do sound great. They translate incredibly well to anything, have no fear when dialing in your sounds on these. Couldn't be happier with them, especially the translation.

  • Lol I was just browsing these speakers as my next upgrade actually. Thought about the A5x's as my room isn't too big. But like you say...for a little extra the A7x's look darn nice.
    I recall you posted a jpg of your room dimensions, not that different from mine actually. How they handling at lower volumes (e.g talking over)

    Enjoy your new sounds!

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • Yes I did. Actually my room dimensions have gotten smaller. The L shape wasn't very functional so it is now rectangular. It was originally two rooms knocked into one but I put the wall back up and now use the bigger of the two rooms. Anyhow, they sound great. I've been playing a lot of heavy Mesa profiles using the transpose to drop C and bass is no problem. I tried them out against the genelecs 8020s I think and the difference was night and day. I might do some quick room demos with them.

    I haven't mixed on these yet though. Just plugged in the kpa atm.

    Here's a picture for those interested:


  • Just upgraded my monitors to some Adam A7x's and what can I say, the kemper sounds incredible. Id share a picture but the jpg is too big. For anyone thinking of upgrading I'd say don't skimp on monitors, invest as much as you can. Thanks for the advice on the board, gianfranco especially (the wiki guy)

    A better interface next I think.

    Just open up windows paint with your JPEG and reduce the size and save it. I would love to upgrade my monitors, but my wife says I have too many already. Shipping costs for these things are prohibitive, IMO, so I don't want to sell them.

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Just upgraded my monitors to some Adam A7x's and what can I say, the kemper sounds incredible. Id share a picture but the jpg is too big. For anyone thinking of upgrading I'd say don't skimp on monitors, invest as much as you can. Thanks for the advice on the board, gianfranco especially (the wiki guy)

    A better interface next I think.

    I have them, too, on my Kemper and can confirm they are uneffingbelievable good. Make sure to try the Stereo Widener Effect on some of your profiles. It's a treat.
    And please do report back when you've found a good USB audio interface. I run a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 connected to an iMac at the moment and hate it with a vengeance. The mixing software is crap, runs no longer than about a quater of an hour before it crashes and often takes Logic Pro with it. :thumbdown:

  • I have them, too, on my Kemper and can confirm they are uneffingbelievable good. Make sure to try the Stereo Widener Effect on some of your profiles. It's a treat.
    And please do report back when you've found a good USB audio interface. I run a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 connected to an iMac at the moment and hate it with a vengeance. The mixing software is crap, runs no longer than about a quater of an hour before it crashes and often takes Logic Pro with it. :thumbdown:

    Another very satisfied ADAM owner here! :thumbup: I have a pair of the 'older' A7, and they are wonderful.

    But it's shocking to hear that You are not pleased with the Focusrite?!

    I've been using their Saffire PRO 40 firewire interface for years now, without a single problem. (even recorded a couple of live shows with it)
    I've used it with both my MacPro rig and also a MacBookPro, running Logic 7 - 9, rock solid!
    Easily the most robust and good sounding interface I've tried.
    Have you been in contact with Focusrites support?

    They do have a stellar reputation both for their customer support and fixing bugs in their drivers. (and they seems to be Mac users themselves!)
    I wouldn't say that the mix software is crap, but it IS confusing. But it seems to be a common problem with audio interface software, the more it can do, the harder it gets to figure out how...

  • Lol I was just browsing these speakers as my next upgrade actually. Thought about the A5x's as my room isn't too big. But like you say...for a little extra the A7x's look darn nice.
    I recall you posted a jpg of your room dimensions, not that different from mine actually. How they handling at lower volumes (e.g talking over)

    Enjoy your new sounds!

    im need to let go my adams a7xs if anyone is interested, feel free to PM if so. yes they are stellar :)

  • Focusrite seems popular here but seems like their drivers aren't great. I'd probably prefer to have a rack unit but the good ones are expensive. Not sure what my options are, I don't think their is one product that satisfies what I want unless I hit ensemble and Apollo territory. My budget is more are £400 to £500

  • The Roland Octa-capture is in that price range - not heard too much about it yet but if Roland are putting their name to it might be worth a look
    (As opposed to the 'Edirol' name they usually go under with this type of gear)

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • I'm using the Octa-Capture and would recommend it. The auto sense feature makes getting levels very easy. When linking to the KPA via spdif, the Octa-Capture automatically detects that the KPA wants to be the master clock and switches its clock to external. Power off the KPA and it flips itself to internal clock saving a few mouse clicks.



  • Octa capture looks close to ideal. Never came across this one. I always wonder how these higher input device compete with the apogee duet 2 nd RME babyface on the preamp front. They must have to cut corners somewhere?

    My current apogee one has only one input so I use the monitor out and record in mono. With the double xlr would you use the main left and right outputs to channel each and record in stereo?

  • Hi

    May I ask what were your monitors before the Adams? I currently have the KRK Rockit 6 with the 10s sub but I am not fully satisfied with their sound even though I would say that they are OK generaly. I find the Sub way too powerful as compared to the Rockit 6 and a good balance is very hard to find between booming bass or not enough.

    As far as the interface goes, I have a Duet2 since 1.5 years and I love it. It's only drawback; I find that sometimes I would like that it had S/PDIF.

  • I used Roland ds 30a. I used to have the rokit 6 but they were abit like the beats headphones, hugely inflated bass. I got rid of them as I preferred my Roland's. Admittedly, this was before I had the kemper. Still the Adams are another level. It makes no sense to me to pay £1200 for the kemper and skim on speakers. Obviously everyone has different budgets but its worth saving for. Skim in price, buy twice as they say.

    Regarding the duet. Yeah the duet, forte and rme all lack sp dif. It's frustrating because everything else is great and for most kemper owners a 2 Channel, high quality interface with great preamps and spdif would be perfect. It would compete my setup. Although I'm not sure I'd actually do that much re-amping.

  • From what I understand krks are good once you look at the Vhx series - or whatever it's called. Rokits are still low budget regardless of the speaker size. The Adam A7x are intermediate budget.


    Sorry that sounded really obnoxious. All I ment was the rokit series is more introductory your probably going up a level when you look at equivalent speaker sizes with the Adam x range and others like genelecs nd dynaudio. Probably a good balance of price and quality for a more series home studio (look at Pete thorn). I suppose for major studios it goes up again but then they are professional for a reason. When I last recorded in a studio I mentioned the a7xs and the producer laughed at me.