Lets find the right Footswitch for me

  • Hi, no Gig for this weekend, so carpe diem - lets find a good way to control my rigs! I´m not sure, maybe I´m going to find a very small & light way to put all in my 19" rack, like the AMT FS2 plus a expression pedal, or my Yamaha MFC10!?? The Nobels MF2 would fit into my 19" rack and its very versitile,... hmmmm,..... 8|:huh: after all - I really looking forword to get the Kemper controller one day 8o

    [Blocked Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/10602_160797637432714_817546339_n.jpg]

  • Now this is a impressive collection! 8o
    But there is a dedicated EPROM coming for the Behringer FCB1010 (the onyl you haven't got), I mean its coming really soon. UnO for Kemper, I've heard that it features 2way communication, supports of course 2 expr. pedals and you get tuning information on the FCB1010. It is a dedicated pimping chip to support the KPA.
    Put all your stuff, that you don't need anymore to ebucht and get a FCB 1010. Not sure about it? I'll get that chip anyway and I let you have it for a week or so and you can to check it all out. Send PM if you are interested.

    PS: Have you checked your mail for the EVH Skin ;)

  • Most of these pedals accrued over the years, you know! ;) So I´m going to sell a few, because I can´t use them anymore. :)

  • I would suggest you choose a PB that let you use the switches either as preset change and instant access switches (IAS).

    my rocktron all access has 15 switches and let me have 10 of those as preset change and 5 as instant switches, so that I can turn on/off a dedicated stomp or FX.

    I don't know any of the one showed in the pic, but one of them should be able to do so..........

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

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